Random Running Thoughts Thursday

-I don't know why, but I forget updating this thing. Actually, I received an email stating that WordPress charged me for another year. I guess this will light a fire under my cheap ass to update on a more frequent basis. Random, aren't they supposed to send a reminder BEFORE actually charging your card. Eh,... Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts Thursday

-I think that I'm stuck in an unproductive routine, or rather ,an unproductive rut. Pretty much after work (especially during my work from home days), I will move from my home office to the living room, watch crappy TV on the sofa while scrolling on my phone, and falling asleep. I definitely need to find... Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts Thursday

-Looks like I'm going to have an extreme case of Marathon FOMO over the next few days because the Marine Corps Marathon, which I cannot run. 😦 Crap, I was supposed to look into seeing if I could defer my entry. -Fall (closely followed by spring) is my favorite time of year; I love seeing... Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts Thursday

Yes, I know today is Friday. 😉 Things that I want to learn (or relearn) +Relearn - Coding: Back when I was a biomedical researcher, I did a bit of coding in HTML, R, and Python. The other day, I wanted to make a specific type of table for WordPress using HTML and realized that... Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts/Questions Thursdays

Feel free to play along by answering any of the questions -What was the last book that you read? Living Color: The Biological & Social Meaning of Skin Color by Nina Jablonski -What is your next running (or fitness goal)? I would like to get my half marathon time down to 2:10 by the end... Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts Thursdays

-Heck yeah, we are a few days out from the Shamrock Half Marathon. -Question: What/who the hell are the Shamrock Marathon Men? Are they like the Bacardi/Jose Cuervo/insert your favorite party liquor shot women who serve T&A at bars to convince drunk folks to buy more booze on St. Patrick's Day? If so . .... Continue Reading →

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